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Zhiling Tian 

The Chinese Society for Metals


Prof. Dr. Zhiling Tian was elected as the executive vice president of the Chinese Society for Metals on Oct. 25th. 2021.


Until June 2021, Prof. Dr. Zhiling Tian had served as vice President in charge of R&D at China Iron and Steel Research Institute (CISRI) for 20 years. He joined CISRI in 1991 as a research engineer. In 1996 he became the director of the sub institute for new materials. In 2001, he was promoted as vice president of CISRI.


His major research area has been focused on structural steels, welding technologies and welding materials. He has been an active member of the CSM for years. Since 2005 he has been a member of the standing council of the CSM and served as the director of foreign affairs committee, director of special steel branch, deputy director of academic committee, respectively.

Augusto Di Gianfrancesco

European Creep Collaborative Committee

Presentation Title: ECCC history and value of work done for the introduction and use of newer materials

Dr. Augusto Di Gianfrancesco, graduated in Chemical Engineering (La Sapienza – Rome University 1982), is currently Materials and Technologies consultant and Chairman of European Creep Collaborative Committee (ECCC) since 2016. He was employed at the Centro Sviluppo Materiali (CSM), Rome, Italy (1983 – 2014). He holds Senior Metallurgist and Project Leader positions on “High Temperature Materials”. He was head of creep and metallography laboratories and responsible for R&D activities on steels and superalloys for high temperature applications in power generation plants. He was also member of Management Committee of EU Program COST 522-536, ECCC co-founder in 1991 and of the Italian Working Group on Creep Resistant Materials. In addition, he has been member of the International Board of the 5th, 6th & 7th EPRI International Conferences on Advances in Materials Technology for Fossil Power Plants, METAL2013-18, the 6th International Conference on Creep, Fatigue and Creep-Fatigue Interaction, and organizer/chairman of the ECCC Conferences held 2014 - 2017 - 2021 - 2023. He is author and/or co-author of more than 280 technical reports and more than 130 papers presented in national and international conferences and/or magazines.

Guocai Chai

Alleima Group, Sweden

题目: Considerations on long-term property and behaviours of heat resistant materials used in energy industries

Guocai Chai is currently the group expert at Alleima group and adjunct professor in Engineering Materials at Linköping University, Sweden. His research areas are material design and development, microstructure and properties. He is the board member of the Swedish Royal Mechanics Society, the board member of Swedish Society for Materials and Technology, the management committee member of the European creep collaboration committee, ECCC. He was an EU expert for the Horizon 2020/RFCS program and the invited international independent expert for project reviewing for 7 countries and organizations.

He graduated at University of Science and Technology, Beijing; got PhD at Stockholm University, and worked as a postdoctoral fellow at University of Windsor. Then he worked as a researcher at Studsvik Material AB (nuclear materials) before he joint Sandvik in 1997 and had been as the global group expert until the company changed its name. He has published more than 200 papers, two books and three chapters/overviews in three books, and delivered more than 60 plenary, keynote and invited lectures at different international conferences. He received the Howard F. Taylor Award of the American Foundryman’s Society in 1992 and was the nominees for the “Kami Prize” between 2012-2015, and the Wilhelm Haglund Medal 2016 and 2019. Several advanced materials such as Sanicro 25, Hyper duplex stainless steels, Highflex, HEA Ni based alloys and other Sandvik grades for the energy industries have been developed. Many patents have been granted. He was the conference organizer for several international conferences. 


隆基绿能科技股份 有限公司,中国


Dr. Yifan Diao, majoring in Materials Science and Engineering, graduated from Washington University in St. Louis. During school time, he published 16 papers, such as ACS Cent. Sci., Adv. Funct. Mater, Nat. Commun, ACS Nano, etc. Besides, he holds one U.S. (international) patent and received $50,000 in LEAP business incubation funds. When back to China in 2021, he joined Central R&D Institute in LONGi Green Energy Technology Co., Ltd, in charge of new material research and development. Yet, he has applied for 28 invention patents and won the prize of "Professional Service Award" in 2021 and "Scientific Research Star" in 2022. Recently, he was recognized as one of the “AACYF Top 30 under 30” class of 2023.

Xingbo Liu

West Virginia University

Presentation Title: Intermediate Temperature Proton Conducting Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells with Improved Performance and Durability

Xingbo Liu received his Ph.D. on Materials Science from University of Science and Technology Beijing in 1999, and he subsequently came to West Virginia University as a postdoc. Currently, he is the Associate Dean of Research and Statler Endowed Chair Professor of Engineering in Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University. Dr, Liu’s has developed an international recognized research program on materials for next generation energy conversion and storage, with the focus on high temperature materials such as solid oxide electrochemical cells & high temperature Ni-Superalloys. Dr. Liu has received numerous awards, including one R&D 100 Award (2011) for his development of SOFC interconnect coating, TMS Early Career Faculty Fellow Award (2010), TMS Brimacombe Medal (2016), State of West Virginia Innovator of the Year (2013), WVU CEMR Researcher of the Year (2015, 2011), Outstanding Researcher Awards (2015, 2011, 2009, 2008), and several others. He is the Fellow of ASM International and American Ceramics Society. In 2023, Dr. Liu received the Hydrogen Production Technology Award from U.S. Department of Energy for his development of PCEC.



题目:The Challenge of Materials Selection for Lead-cooled Fast Reactors

Bin Long, Ph. D., graduated from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Swiss.

He is a senior research fellow of China Institute of Atomic Energy. He is currently the director of Sci &Tech Commission of Institute of Reactor Engineering Technology Research, CIAE. He is also a professor of China Nuclear Industry Graduate School.

His main research fields include corrosion and irradiation properties of nuclear materials, microstructure analysis, liquid metal technology, and etc.

He formerly had served as a member of the expert advisory group of Advanced Reactor System Material CRP Project for IAEA, a member of the expert advisory group for the PIE of fuel and core structural materials of fast reactor CRP project of IAEA.

At present, he has undertaken the National Special Project of Magnetic Confinement Nuclear Fusion Energy Development Research, and served as the chief scientist of the project of Research & Evaluation Methods For Standardized Testing Technology Of Mechanical Properties Of Small-scaled Samples for Fusion Reactor Materials.

Iris Rommerskirchen


Presentation Title: Applications of Nickel Alloys in Aqueous Solutions

Since 2018 Dr. Iris Rommerskirchen is working with the German pipe manufacturer EBK as

Business Development Director with a special focus on pressure and corrosion resistant lined and
clad pipes. Additionally she is managing shareholder of the Rommerskirchen GmbH doing
consultancy projects. Between 2015 and 2018 she was appointed Senior Vice President Business
Development and Quality at the internationally acting W. Schulz Group, with stainless steel pipe
and fitting mills in Germany and USA. From 2002 until end of 2014, Dr. Iris Rommerskirchen was
Managing Director in different companies and holdings of the Butting Group covering
responsibilities for sales, purchasing, quality, product and market development for all kinds of
Stainless Steels, Nickel Alloys, clad and lined pipes. Dr. Rommerskirchen has particular experience
in the market, applications and development of lined, clad and Duplex pipes. She is deputy
chairwoman of the German Society for Corrosion Protection and member of the technical
advisory board of the German Federal Institute for Materials Research. After her studies of
chemistry at the university in Düsseldorf she started her career as research assistant at the Max –
Planck – Institute for Iron Research in metallurgy and high temperature corrosion. The results
were published in her PhD thesis about the high temperature corrosion behaviour of Iron- and
Nickel Aluminides. Iris has published more than 50 papers and given numerous lectures at various
technical conferences around the globe.

Maria Skyllas-Kazacos

School of Chemical EngineeringUNSW Sydney, Australia

Maria is currently Emeritus Professor in the School of Chemical Engineering, UNSW Sydney where she continues to supervise research projects in energy storage and aluminum smelting. She is a Fellow of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers Australia and a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering. She pioneered the Vanadium Redox Flow Battery that is currently being commercially manufactured by several companies in Japan, USA, China, UK and Germany and is widely regarded as the most appropriate technology for large-scale energy storage in a wide range of applications.

Maria has over 200 International refereed journal papers, more than 40 patents, over 110 conference papers, 4 book chapters and has co-edited 12 books.

She has been honoured with several awards:

(i)  Whiffen Medal, Institution of Chemical Engineers Australia, 1997

(ii)  CHEMECA Medal, Institution of Chemical Engineers Australia, 1998

(iii)  Member of the Order of Australia, Australia Day Honours List 1999.

(iv)  R.K. Murphy Medal, Royal Australian Chemical Institute, 2000

(v)   Invested as Lady Commander of the Byzantine Order of St Eugene of Trebizond (Australia Day, 2009)

(vi)   Castner Medal, Society for the Chemical Industry, UK, 2011

(vii)  Lifetime achievement award, International Coalition for Energy Storage and Innovation, 2019

Arumugam Manthiram

University of Texas at Austin, USA

Presentation Title: Next-generation Battery Chemistries

Arumugam Manthiram is currently the George T. and Gladys H. Abell Endowed Chair of Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin (UT-Austin). He was the Director of the Texas Materials Institute and the Materials Science and Engineering Program at UT-Austin for 11 years during 2011 – 2022. He received his Ph.D. degree in chemistry in 1981 from Indian Institute of Technology Madras. After working as a lecturer in chemistry at the Madurai Kamaraj University for 4 years and as a postdoctoral fellow both at the University of Oxford and at UT-Austin with John Goodenough, he became a faculty at UT-Austin in 1991. He founded two startup companies, ActaCell Energy Systems in 2007 and TexPower EV Technologies in 2019. He is a Fellow of Materials Research Society, Electrochemical Society, American Ceramic Society, Royal Society of Chemistry, and American Association for the Advancement of Science. He is an elected member of the World Academy of Ceramics. He received the Battery Division Research Award in 2014, Henry B. Linford Award for Distinguished Teaching in 2020, Battery Division Technology Award in 2021, and the Inaugural John B. Goodenough Award in 2023 from the Electrochemical Society. He received the Distinguished Alumnus Award of the Indian Institute of Technology Madras in 2015, Billy and Claude R. Hocott Distinguished Centennial Engineering Research Award in 2016, and International Battery Association Research Award in 2020. He delivered the 2019 Chemistry Nobel Prize Lecture in Stockholm on behalf of Professor John Goodenough.




Dr. Shu Guogang is the Chairman of China United Gas Turbine Technology Co., Ltd.. He is also an expert with State Council special allowance. In 1987, he graduated from Beijing Iron and Steel Institute with master's degrees. He graduated from Wuhan University with a doctor's degree in 2004. He was the president of Suzhou Nuclear Power Research Institute Co., Ltd., the president of China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd.. His main research direction is key high-temperature components made by metal materials.

Ziqi Sun

Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Presentation Title: Molecular Self-assembly of 2D Nanomaterials for Sustainable Energy Storae and Conversion


Prof. Ziqi Sun is currently a full Professor and ARC Future Fellow at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Australia. His research interest includes developing bio-inspired smart nanomaterials and 2D metal oxide nanomaterials for sustainable energy and environmental applications, such as rechargeable batteries, oil-water separations, and sustainable fuel generations. Ziqi received his PhD degree from Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2009. After one-year experience as NIMS postdoctoral fellow (Japan), he joined University of Wollongong (UOW), Australia in 2010 and moved to QUT as a faculty member in 2015. Ziqi also serves as the Editor-in-Chief of Sustainable Materials and Technologies (Elsevier), Principal Editor of Journal of Materials Research (MRS), Associate Editor of Surface Innovations (ICE), and Associate Editor Journal of Materials Science and Technology (Elsevier).

Koichi Yagi

National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan

Presentation Title: Importance of basic materials research for life assessment of 9Cr steels used in USC power plants

Dr. Koichi Yagi worked as a researcher in National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS) (formerly National Research Institute for Metals (NRIM)). He retired from NIMS in March 2006, and he is a private consultant for materials failure accident, and he is working as a senior advisor of National Center for Materials Service Safety (NCMS), University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB) from April 2009. His working area is safety and reliability of structural metals, life prediction of materials for plant maintenance, failure analysis and so on. When he worked in NIMS, he performed his part as a leader for the development of NIMS structural materials data sheet project including creep data sheet and the development of NIMS materials database. His main research areas were the study on creep-fatigue interaction of heat resistant steels, the study on creep crack growth behavior of heat resistant steels and so on. He has organized many international conferences on creep, for example, 8th International Conference on Creep and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Tsukuba (1999), 4th Japan-China Bilateral Symposium on High-temperature Materials Strength, Tsukuba (2001) and so on. He wrote and edited some books, for example, “Creep Properties of Heat Resistant Steels and Superalloys” which was written together with European and Japanese researchers and published from Springer in 2004. He played the active part for engineering societies, for example, as Japanese representative of JPVRC-EPERC-PVRC committee, Japanese representative of VAMAS (Versailes Project on Advanced Materials and Standards) steering committee and so on.



题目: Advanced Metal-Based Anode Materials for Li Storage

Min Zhu is a professor at South China University of Technology(SCUT) and the director of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory on Advanced Energy Storage Materials. He received BS, MS and Ph.D from Dalian University of Technology and worked in Technical University of Berlin as Humboldt Research Fellow. He won the Distinguished Young Scientists Found from National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) in 1999, and was appointed as a “Cheung Kong Professor” by the Ministry of Education of China in 2002. In 2010, he was appointed as the Chief Scientist for the National Key Basic Research Project (973 Project) from the Ministry of Science and Technology on “Novel high capacity hydrogen storage materials”. In 2016, he won the Fund for Innovative Research Groups from NSFCHis research interest includes: (1) Hydrogen storage materials and NI-MH battery; (2) Lithium and sodium ion battery; (3) Mechanical alloying and Plasma milling; (4) phase transformation and shape memory alloys. He has published more than 400 papers in peer reviewed international journals with more than 20000 citations, authored and edited more than 10 books and book chapters and conference proceedings. He also owns more than 30 patents including 7 PCT patents. He was awarded Natural Science Award (first class in 2012 and 2022) from Guangdong Provincial Government, Technology Invention Award (first class, 2016) from Ministry of Education. Professor Zhu is the member of the steering committee of International Symposium for Metal-hydrogen. He received Hydrogen and Energy Award from International Symposium for Hydrogen and Energy in 2016.





