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更新时间:2023-06-21 14:43

Min Zhu is a professor at South China University of Technology(SCUT) and the director of Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory on Advanced Energy Storage Materials. He received BS, MS and Ph.D from Dalian University of Technology and worked in Technical University of Berlin as Humboldt Research Fellow. He won the Distinguished Young Scientists Found from National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) in 1999, and was appointed as a “Cheung Kong Professor” by the Ministry of Education of China in 2002. In 2010, he was appointed as the Chief Scientist for the National Key Basic Research Project (973 Project) from the Ministry of Science and Technology on “Novel high capacity hydrogen storage materials”. In 2016, he won the Fund for Innovative Research Groups from NSFC. His research interest includes: (1) Hydrogen storage materials and NI-MH battery; (2) Lithium and sodium ion battery; (3) Mechanical alloying and Plasma milling; (4) phase transformation and shape memory alloys. He has published more than 400 papers in peer reviewed international journals with more than 20000 citations, authored and edited more than 10 books and book chapters and conference proceedings. He also owns more than 30 patents including 7 PCT patents. He was awarded Natural Science Award (first class in 2012 and 2022) from Guangdong Provincial Government, Technology Invention Award (first class, 2016) from Ministry of Education. Professor Zhu is the member of the steering committee of International Symposium for Metal-hydrogen. He received Hydrogen and Energy Award from International Symposium for Hydrogen and Energy in 2016.





