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Xingbo LIU

West Virginia University

更新时间:2023-09-07 17:05

Xingbo Liu received his Ph.D. on Materials Science from University of Science and Technology Beijing in 1999, and he subsequently came to West Virginia University as a postdoc. Currently, he is the Associate Dean of Research and Statler Endowed Chair Professor of Engineering in Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources at West Virginia University. Dr, Liu’s has developed an international recognized research program on materials for next generation energy conversion and storage, with the focus on high temperature materials such as solid oxide electrochemical cells & high temperature Ni-Superalloys. Dr. Liu has received numerous awards, including one R&D 100 Award (2011) for his development of SOFC interconnect coating, TMS Early Career Faculty Fellow Award (2010), TMS Brimacombe Medal (2016), State of West Virginia Innovator of the Year (2013), WVU CEMR Researcher of the Year (2015, 2011), Outstanding Researcher Awards (2015, 2011, 2009, 2008), and several others. He is the Fellow of ASM International and American Ceramics Society. In 2023, Dr. Liu received the Hydrogen Production Technology Award from U.S. Department of Energy for his development of PCEC.





